More Survival
We finished our unit on survival this last week. We still have to work on fire making, and we want to try out our self defense moves we read about. I have to figure out how to put the punching bag up before we try them.
We got this bow and arrow set and have had a blast using it! I'm hoping to bring it back out for our next unit too. We went and shot at targets one day, both kids hit the target once. They were a little disappointed they didn't hit it more, but they got some good practice in.
We also practiced a fire drill. I was going to set the alarm off, but both kids begged me not too! So I was the alarm...they all pretended to be asleep in their beds. I "sounded" the alarm and timed them to see how long it took them to get out, a little over a minute. They had to unlock the window, push the screen out and hop out the window. They did great! Brie went to the boys room to help out so we discussed what the plan should be if she couldn't get to their room. We also talked about what to do if the fire broke out during the day, best way to get out etc. Thanks to my niece for pointing out that we needed a meeting place. We agreed on a place and talked about what to do if hubby and I aren't in that spot. It was good to have some plans in order, but I know if we ever have a fire it won't necessarily be like we practiced.
We also read about how to prevent drowning. We went swimming and worked on some of the things we read about. Brie is getting really close to being able to swim, I'm hoping with a little more work this summer she will get it. Zeke has improved greatly since last year! He's got a while til he's swimming, but he got in the pool willingly so that was good!
I think in a couple more years we will do this unit again so that the 2 smaller boys can join in too! It was a lot of fun! I will be sharing soon about the math we did during this study too!
Looks like a great unit!! We need to do a fire drill - we did one when the boys were younger and talked about what to do, but it would be good to practice. Thanks for sharing!! I enjoy reading about it!
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