

We've had a garden for several years. We don't always get what we want out of it, but every year we improve the soil and we get more out of it in return. We're a little behind this year b/c of Reuben, but I think we have everything planted now!

We made a new garden this year behind our little shed. Brie really wanted to grow some sweet corn, and I wanted watermelon. So my Dad came over and tilled up the ground for us (I didn't get a picture of it) Thanks Dad! These are some pictures of the corn being planted.

This is our "Square Foot Garden". We're limited on space living in a subdivision.

Here are some green beans peeking through the ground, it's time to get the fence up before the bunnies help themselves!

It's hard to tell but 2 of the peppers and 2 of the tomatoes got dug up by a skunk! They were too dried out to replant. Yeah you would think in a subdivision you wouldn't have skunks, not the case!

This is a raised bed in our walkout. It has tomatoes, peppers and potatoes. We've never grown potatoes so I'm anxious to see what happens with them!

I thought this was too delightful to not include. We have a patch of strawberries and they are just starting to ripen. We've eaten 5-6 so far. Soon I'll be making jam and having shortcake!!!


megan gaff May 28, 2009 at 2:20 PM  

Looks like it'll keep ya busy! I'm wishing I had planted strawberries last year so I could enjoy them!


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