

We just spent 10 glorious days in Oregon. (I think it's my favorite state.) If you've never been there, you really should go! I have a lot more pictures to share, when I find the time!

I have to brag...my kids did AWESOME. I won't lie I was soooo nervous about traveling with 4 kids. I had no idea how they would do. We talked and talked and talked about what was expected, but I was still scared. As we were waiting at our gate, I became more nervous. The stares from people who were boarding the same plane were enough to make anyone squirm. We had a few older couples who would smile, but overall it was not friendly. Our flight left @ 7:05 am. We left our hotel room @ 4:45 am, Mark,Reuben and myself woke up @ 3:45 am! So while we were waiting Reuben was exhausted, and understandably a little cranky! The older 3 were just excited. Our first flight was really short and everyone did great! We had 2 ladies who sat in front of us and laughed and laughed @ Titus's questions and comments! We then had an 1.5 wait til we boarded our next plane. I felt a little like a public service commercial!!! I had them hop on one foot, do jumping jacks, walk backwards, etc. Yes I got some really weird looks, and some understanding smiles! It was an exciting adventure...I'm praising the Lord for blessing us with such a great trip!
While traveling this is the most exciting thing that happened...When we arrived @ Portland Mark got me a luggage cart and then left to go get our rental van. So after I got the bags I gathered up all 4 kids and started heading outside, well everywhere you go you feel like a 3 ring circus. We walk up to one of those large revolving doors and I laugh. I told the kids this is going to be interesting! We watch the door go around once then I tell them that we are going to have to just get in and go. Well right then a lady comes in, so I said lets wait for this lady to get through. We watch it go around and as it was getting closer I said OK we need to just go. So I have this huge luggage cart clear full, all the kids have backpacks, and Brie was pushing Reuben in the stroller! Can you just see us??? Well Zeke and I were in front so he went and I followed and I told Brie and Titus to hurry and come through! Well Brie started and then stopped and the door comes around and smacks into the stroller! I'm saying come, just come through,hurry. 2 men come up and yell, because the door hit the stroller. They then hold the door and Brie comes through, And Titus just keeps standing outside of the door looking at us! The man tells him there is room for him to come, I tell him to hurry and get in the door. He does come finally, and I thank the men repeatedly. We get outside and all take a deep breath and wait for Mark to come! I'm thankful that was really our only mishap. It was traumatic enough that when we arrived back @ Portland to come home Brie and Zeke both spoke up right away...can we go in the other door, please. We don't want to go in the revolving door!!!!

This is about the best picture I got of Mt. Hood! This was taken from Mark's grandpa's filbert orchard. (I need a zoom lens! )


Megan May 24, 2010 at 8:55 AM  

Great story, Loved it!!!

Can't wait to see more pictures!!

great pic of mt hood, see you soon!

Mominin May 27, 2010 at 12:32 PM  

Funny story - reminds me of a story from college . . . I'll have to tell you sometime (although, you've probably already heard it). I just found this page opened on my computer . . . I must have had it up to comment, then got busy and never got around to it! See you soon.


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