In the past I've used Spell to Write and Read. I really like that they teach the phonograms first. I'm going to still use those and teach them to Zeke and I'm going to keep going over them with Gabriela. I can tell a big difference when brie is familiar with them and when she hasn't looked at them in a long time.
I am trying a new curriculum for Brie this year: Rod and Staffs spelling by sound and structure. I like the looks of it. I told Mark if we don't like it I can easily go back to SWR next year. So we're going to see what we think.
At what age do you give spelling words? Zeke is going to be in Kindergarten and I was just going to work on the phonograms and his handwriting. Should he get spelling words too or is he to young? Tell me what you do or what you think!
Zeke would be the exception. Normally I would say no way but if he likes spelling you could definately give him some words.
Kinda let him decide. The normal things you teach a kid kinda go out the window when they read at 3!!!
I started Caleb in 1st, and Jo I'm starting this year. But, their spelling words just reinforced the phonics rules. Then in 3rd I start a real spelling program. I don't think you would go wrong either way (with Zeke . . . with another kid it would be a different story)!
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