

Friday was one of those days where you just want to scream,cry, or run away!!! I'm sure none of you ever have days like that! Zeke needed punishment and wasn't willing to take it, so after a nice long stay in his room he finally took it! (YES you could say he's a little bit on the stubborn side!!) During this time Brie finished her school and went to work making a tent! She had lots of fun in here and even had her lunch in it! (The picture of Zeke is him being upset because he couldn't have something he wanted til after his punishment!)

Little Reuben, getting so very big. Makes me so very sad!

This is my dad and my niece Sarah, dancing in my sil's kitchen!


Mominin September 14, 2009 at 9:34 PM  

Great shots, Gen! I can tell you are really enjoying your new camera!

Megan September 14, 2009 at 9:50 PM  

Yes I agree... and I must say You're doing a fabulous job with that new camera too!!


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